A portrait of Joseph S. Boughton, who founded the first library in Lawrence. The photograph shows him at approximately 50 to 65 years of age, wearing a dark, pinstriped suit and a medal of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member as…
A photograph of J.S. Boughton's printing office, established in 1879 and passed on to his youngest son Sydney Boughton in 1905. The image shows two young men working among the machinery. The one on the left, perhaps Paul Boughton, is binding a…
A list of all the journalists in Kansas in the 1870s. The list includes J.S. Boughton, who was involved with newspapers both as a printer, an agent, and a traveling correspondent.
A portrait of James Stanley Emery (1826-1899), who played a part in founding the Kansas Atheneum. The photograph shows him aged 60 to 70 in a dark suit and spiffy bowtie.
A photograph of a plaque affixed to the outside of Carnegie library building commemorating the 100 year anniversary of Langston Hughes's birth. The plaque reads, "Many Lawrence residents, including perhaps Langston Hughes, spent pleasant hours…
A photograph of the launching of the online catalog. On the foreground is a man wearing a t-shirt that reads on the back, "We're Online!" and shows a catalog entry for a Langston Hughes book. On the background is Bruce Flanders, library director at…
A photograph of a plaque affixed to the outside of the Carnegie library building commemorating the time from 1904 to 1972 the Lawrence City Library was housed there.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1915. The document contains a register of board members and staff. Includes financial information like donations and accessions for the year and treasurer and librarian reports.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1913 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial information like donations and accessions for the year. Treasurer and librarian reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1914. Contains a list of board members and staff. The report includes financial information like donations and accessions for the year and treasurer and librarian reports.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1923 containing activities like informational meetings, library's clubs, accessions, and circulation statistics. The report mentions grade schools using the library collection to supplement…
Lawrence Public Library Board meetings minutes for 1920. Includes committees, expenses, salaries, mentions the librarian reports, and repairs in the library. The board recognized the hard work of Virginia Edwards, former librarian, who died in 1920.…
Lawrence Public Library Board meetings minutes for 1922. Includes salaries, committees, expenses reports, and repairs in the library. The library received different donations during this year.
Lawrence Public Library Board meetings minutes for 1923. Besides salaries, committees, expenses reports, and repairs; the report of the librarian had been attached.