An article in the Lawrence Journal-World announcing the retirement of Lillian J. Constant after 27 years as head librarian of the the Lawrence Public Library. The article recounts the major events of her tenure and the legacy she leaves behind.
Oral history with Linda Clay, of the Lawrence Public Library's children's department, where she talks about her time in the library and the way the children's department has changed throughout the years. Access it HERE
An article in the Kansas Herald of Freedom mentioning the Kansas Atheneum, the early literary society and library in Lawrence. The article makes reference to the Atheneum having "fallen into abeyance" with the recent turmoil in Lawrence and calls…
A photograph of the front door of the Carnegie building on the last day of service. Two librarians ate pictured, one holding a box and the other locking up the library for the last time.
A short announcement in the Lawrence Daily Journal of the marriage of George A. Banks to Librarian and Quantrill's Raid widow Helen M. Griswold. The article offers a short description of Mr. and Mrs. Banks and their standing in the town.
A short article in The Salina Evening Journal announcing the marriage of long-time head librarian Nellie Griswold Beatty to Sydney Palmer, of Hutchinson, Kan. The article includes a short bio on Nellie Griswold Beatty, including her involvement with…
A miniature of Mrs. Mary Simpson, who was library of the Lawrence City Library from 1885-1904. The photograph shows her aged about 20 to 30, looking off to the side in a high-collared gown.
A photograph of Massachusetts Street taken the summer of 1876. The photograph shows a gravel road and a row of horse-drawn carts parked in front of various storefronts, including a drug store and a liquor and cigar store. Also visible are a row of…
A photograph of Massachusetts Street taken the summer of 1876. The photograph shows a gravel road and a row of horse-drawn carts parked in front of various storefronts, one marked "Coal"
A photograph of Massachusetts Street, looking south. The image shows a row of storefronts and businesses with carriages and people along the gravel road.
A group picture of members of the First Emigrant Aid Company Party: Dr. Harrington, Ferdinand Fuller, George W. Goss, J.F. Morgan were all members of the first group going to Lawrence in 1854 from Massachusetts. Dr. Harrington and Ferdinand Fuller…
An article in the Lawrence Journal-World announcing the new microfilm service in the library. Accompanying it is a photograph of a woman sitting at the microfilm desk situated at the balcony of the Carnegie Library.
A record of the proceedings of
the literary society, Kansas Atheneum. The document describes the creation of an institution for the encouragement of literature and fine arts.
The handwritten minutes from the first years of the Lawrence Public Library Board of Directors, starting on April 13, 1903 and ending on February 7, 1905. The document includes copies of the city ordinances that established the existence of the…
An short article in the Lawrence Outlook announcing the retirement of Lillian J. Constant as head librarian of the the Lawrence Public Library. The article recounts her work in the library and the legacy she leaves behind.
This image shows three women behind the librarian's desk at the Carnegie library. At the center is Nellie Griswold Beatty, head librarian from 1902-1917. On either side are her assistants, probably Virginia Edwards and Claudia Pendleton. Behind…
An article announcing that the Lawrence Public Library got a a new children's room. The article describes the new programs aimed at serving the children of the community
An article in the Lawrence Journal-World showing the new telecopier service in the library. It features a picture of Wayne Mayo, head librarian, demonstrating the new device for the members of Northeast Kansas Libraries.
A photograph of the exterior of the new building of the Lawrence Public Library taken at its opening in 1972. On the left foreground is a sign reading "Lawrence Public Library" while on the background is the library, constructed of stucco and…
A photograph of the interior of the new building of the Lawrence Public Library. The image shows the entrance hall of the library, where a man is walking in and two women stand off to the side talking by one of two display stands.
A photograph of the interior of the new building of the Lawrence Public Library. The image shows the entrance hall where two display cases stand. Behind one of the display cases, two women stand in conversation.
A pamphlet prepared for the opening day of the new building of the Lawrence Public Library on September, 1972. The pamphlet shows a picture of the library, some general information, and a floorplan of the one-story structure.